

  1. 保持健康的個人發展,成為充滿自信、理性和富責任感的公民。
  2. 認識自己在家庭和社會所擔當的角色及應履行的責任,並關注共同的福祉。
  3. 培養對國民身份的認同感,並致力貢獻國家和世界。
  4. 培養對自然及科技世界的興趣和好奇心,了解科學與科技發展對社會的影響。
  5. 關心及愛護周遭的環境,實踐綠色生活。

Learning Objectives:

  1. Maintain healthy personal development and become a confident, rational and responsible citizen.
  2. Understand their roles and responsibilities in family and society, and pay attention to the common welfare.
  3. Cultivate a sense of national identity and contribute to the country and the world.
  4. Cultivate interest and curiosity in the natural and technological world, and understand the impact of science and technological development on society.
  5. Care for and protect the surrounding environment and practice green living.