日期: 08/02/2025
由香港板球總會主辦、教育局協辦,由康樂及文化事務署資助的「簡易運動大賽 ── 板球比賽」經已於2月8日在大坑東遊樂場草地欖球場圓滿結束。比賽當日,經歷當日一番龍爭虎鬥以後,紅磡信義學校板球隊排除萬難,榮登大賽冠軍的寶座。
The 'Easy Sports Competition - Cricket Match’, organized by the Hong Kong Cricket Association and co-organized by the Education Bureau, and funded by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, concluded successfully on February 8 at the Tai Hang Tung Recreation Ground. After intense competition throughout the day, the HHLPS cricket team overcame various challenges and claimed the championship title."