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  • 四川成都歷史文化交流團(第四天) Sichuan Chengdu Historical and Cultural Exchange Tour-Day 4

四川成都歷史文化交流團(第四天) Sichuan Chengdu Historical and Cultural Exchange Tour-Day 4

日期: 21/03/2024

姊妹學校友好協議簽訂儀式 Sister School Friendly Agreement Signing Ceremony


The signing ceremony of the exchange and sister school agreement between our school and Chengdu Blue Harbour Foreign Language School in Chengdu City was held. The purpose is to promote communication and cooperation between the schools and enhance mutual understanding and friendship.

傳統文化課程體驗課 Traditional cultural experience classes


Chengdu Blue Harbour Foreign Language School has arranged traditional cultural experience classes for our students. The classes include reading and sharing, air rifle shooting, martial arts, calligraphy, painting, and football friendship matches.