日期: 01/07/2024
基督少年軍 379分隊在2024年6月30日 – 7月1日於鯉魚門公園舉辦了兩日一夜挑戰營活動。活動包括集體遊戲、康樂活動、歷奇活動、唱詩和靈修等。大家都十分投入活動,過了一個既開心又難忘的假期。
The 379th Company of the Boys' Brigade held a two-day and one-night camping activity at Lei Yue Mun Park from the 30th June to 1st July. Activities include group games, recreational activities, adventure activities, hymn singing and devotion. Everyone was very engaged in the activities and had a happy and unforgettable holiday.