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  • 太陽島英文幼稚園(樂民)小一體驗課 SUN ISLAND ENGLISH KINDERGARTEN (LOK MAN) Primary One Orientation Day

太陽島英文幼稚園(樂民)小一體驗課 SUN ISLAND ENGLISH KINDERGARTEN (LOK MAN) Primary One Orientation Day

日期: 13/06/2024


The K3 students from Sun Island English Kindergarten (Lok Man) visited our school and engaged in a diverse learning experience. The activities included a Chinese visual arts creative class, rope challenge exploration, and leaves rubbing, all aimed at helping the children adapt to primary school life.

大合照 Group Photos
中文視藝創意課 Chinese & Visual Arts
繩網探索 Rope Challenge
樹葉拓印 Leaves Rubbing