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  • 榮獲「第八屆全港小學校際HIP HOP舞蹈比賽」甲級榮譽獎 Receiving the First Class Honors Award at the 8th Hong Kong Primary School Inter-School...

榮獲「第八屆全港小學校際HIP HOP舞蹈比賽」甲級榮譽獎 Receiving the First Class Honors Award at the 8th Hong Kong Primary School Inter-School HIP HOP Dance Competition

日期: 22/06/2024

恭喜本校K-POP隊榮獲「第八屆全港小學校際HIP HOP舞蹈比賽」甲級榮譽獎,參與同學稍後有機會到韓國或日本交流,機會難逢!

Congratulations to all K-POP team members for receiving the First Class Honors Award at the 8th Hong Kong Primary School Inter-School HIP HOP Dance Competition. Participating students will have the opportunity for exchange program in South Korea or Japan. This is an exciting news!