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  • 港青基信幼兒學校(農圃道)幼小銜接訪校活動 YMCA of Hong Kong Christian Nursery School (Farm Road) Kindergarten to Primary School Transiti...

港青基信幼兒學校(農圃道)幼小銜接訪校活動 YMCA of Hong Kong Christian Nursery School (Farm Road) Kindergarten to Primary School Transition School Visit Activities

日期: 27/05/2024

出發啦! 港青基信幼兒學校(農圃道)參與本校一系列豐富的活動。孩子們有機會通過「環遊世界」英文活動擴闊視野,「一飛沖天」創科活動激發創新思維,「樹葉拓印」活動體驗自然之美,以及「模擬午膳食飯啦」活動學習日常生活技能。此外,本校還為家長舉辦小一資訊日,為家長提供了寶貴的小一選校策略。

Let’s go! The YMCA of Hong Kong Christian Nursery School (Farm Road) participated in a series of enriching activities at our school. The children had the opportunity to broaden their horizons through the “Around the World” English activity, ignite innovative thinking with the “Sky’s the Limit” STEM activity, experience the beauty of nature with the “Leaf Imprinting” activity, and learn daily life skills during the “Lunch Time” activity. Additionally, our school hosted a Primary One Information Day for parents, providing valuable strategies for choosing the suitable primary school for their children.

環遊世界 World Tour
創科活動一飛沖天 I can fly
樹葉拓印 Leaf Rubbing
食飯啦 Lunch Hour
小一資訊日及大合照 Primary Information Day & Group Photos