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4.23世界閱讀日創作比賽頒獎禮 4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition

日期: 27/04/2024

為響應4月23日「世界閱讀日」和推廣閱讀文化,香港公共圖書館以「閱讀愛.愛閱讀」為主題,舉辦2024年「4.23世界閱讀日創作比賽」。這項比賽結合閱讀與創作,藉此鼓勵兒童及青少年擴闊閱讀領域,深化閱讀層次,並與人分享閱讀的喜悅與情感。康文署助理署長李子俊先生於頒獎禮上致辭時表示,今年比賽反應十分熱烈,參賽作品超過一千五百份,參賽學校共三百多間。恭喜6B班 Eisha Ahmed同學於高小組 英文組別取得優勝獎!

The Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) organizes the "4‧23 World Book Day Creative Competition" in 2024 on the theme of "Reading Love (Love Reading)" in support of the World Book Day on 23 April to promote a reading culture.  Through competition, which integrates reading and creation, it encourages children and young people to broaden and deepen their scope of reading and to share the joy and sentiments obtained from reading.  Assistant Director of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department mentioned in his speech that the response to this year's competition was very enthusiastic, with more than 1,500 entries and more than 300 participating schools. Congratulations to Eisha Ahmed of class 6B for winning the outstanding award in the Senior Primary Category (English)!