招收小一至小五插班生 Application for Primary 1 to Primary 5 Transfer Student Admission
紅信聖誕親子填色比賽 Annual Christmas Parent-Child Coloring Contest
第五屆全港學界創意紙飛機競技大賽 The 5th Hong Kong Inter-school Paper Airplane Competition
「感恩校園生日會」 Gratitude Campus Birthday Party
九龍東區小學校際田徑比賽 Kowloon East District Primary School Inter-School Athletics Competi...
喜訊: 恭喜6A楊竣同學勇奪4冠 Congratulations to Yang Jun from Class 6A for Winning Four Cham...
喜訊:本校非撞式欖球隊在16隊中榮獲冠軍! Congratulations! Our Rugby Team Wins the Championship Amon...
2024-2025年度陸運會場刊封面親子設計比賽 Sports Day Catalog Cover Parent-Child Design Competiti...
升中家長講座 Secondary School Parent Seminar
國家憲法日攤位遊戲 Constitution Day Game Booths
小五參加武漢、赤壁歷史文化及自然科學探索之旅 Primary Five Participated in the Historical and Cultural...
舞蹈組同學參加韓國文化及街舞交流團 Korean Culture and Street Dance Exchange Tour
「活力學習,探索無限」主題活動周-小一至二參觀荔枝角公園 "Vibrant Learning, Infinite Exploration” P.1-2 Visi...
「活力學習,探索無限」主題活動周-參觀香港文物探知館 "Vibrant Learning, Infinite Exploration” Visiting the...
Rugby English Active Learning (REAL) Program
「活力學習,探索無限」主題活動周-攀石篇 The "Vibrant Learning, Infinite Exploration" – Rock Climbin...
「活力學習,探索無限」主題活動周-參觀九龍公園 "Vibrant Learning, Infinite Exploration” Visiting the Ko...
惠州交流團 (25-26/11) Huizhou Exchange Tour (November 25-26)