申請2025年9月小一入學「自行分配學位」事宜 Application for Primary One Admission through Discretion...
招收小一至小五插班生 Application for Primary 1 to Primary 5 Transfer Student Admission
港青基信幼兒學校(農圃道)小一資訊日暨小一體驗日 Welcome to the YMCA of Hong Kong Christian Nursery Scho...
馬術初體驗 Horseback Riding Experience
粵藝互動劇場及折子戲導賞 Cantonese Interactive Theatre and Excerpt Appreciation
中國舞校隊選拔日 The Chinese Dance School Team Selection Day
石頭彩繪活動 Stone Painting Activity
2024-2025年度開學典禮 Commencement of the 2024-2025 Academic Year
24/25年度小一銜接課程 A 3-day Primary One Bridging Program
非華語學生暑期銜接課程 - 親親社區活動 Summer Bridging Program for Non-Chinese Speaking Students -...
「遊藝梨園樂」粵劇實踐計劃聯校結業演出 "Yueyi Liyuan Yue" Cantonese Opera Practical Training Progra...
一至五年級結業禮 P.1-5 Closing Ceremony
馬頭涌幼兒學校小一體驗日-開心迎暑假 Ma Tau Chung Nursery School P.1 Experience Summer Fun Day
龍城才藝比賽 Dragon's Talent Show Competition
小一體驗課(第二天) Pre-P1 Experience Class (Second day)
參觀歷史博物館 Visiting The Hong Kong Museum of History
制服團隊戶外參觀 Outdoor Activities for Uniformed Groups
粵劇化妝生旦戲服試穿活動 The Cantonese Opera Makeup and Costume Try-on Activity
基督少年軍 379 分隊兩日一夜挑戰營 The 379th Company of the Boys' Brigade camping activity at L...
基督少年軍 379 分隊立願禮 The 379th Company of the Boys' Brigade Annual Service of Dedicat...